Christian Relationships

Top 7 Reasons Why Christian Ladies Ages 22-25 Haven’t Met Their Boaz, Joseph, or King David Yet…

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And Discover What You Can Do To Finally Meet “The One”

Co-written by one of the most successful young Christian men in Scottsdale Arizona with editing and relationship wisdom contributed by his Matchmaker Roseann Higgins


Let me ask you a question that could change the next 77 years of your life...

Imagine being married to Boaz, Joseph, or David...

These are arguably the three most Godly men in the Bible (besides Jesus).

How awesome would that be?

And it’s not just about their wealth, talents and dashing good looks (although they have plenty of those)...

It’s about how they treat their wives and love them like Christ loves his bride (the church).

Read this article to the finish and you might get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet your Boaz, Joseph or David right here in Scottsdale!

Before we get into the article, it’s paramount to set the foundation.

  1. A. This article is for Serious Christian Women. Why?

Because a serious Christian woman will get it and take the knowledge and apply it as wisdom.

  1. B. A woman’s relationship status does not define her. Being single is not an indication something is “wrong” with you.

This article is not an argument for why you’re at fault for not being married.

I respect and care about women’s issues and am here as a medium for true love that lasts.

As a daughter of God, He is working out your story beautifully according to His will. Be confident in that knowledge.

This message IS for Christian young women ­­who feel they are ready for marriage but can’t seem to find the right guy.

  1. C. I write this respectfully and honestly as a spiritual and Christian matchmaker.* I’ve listened intently to single men and women’s hearts and desires for a deep, connected relationship with someone who matches their own values for over 24 years … and even before then. I was given these gifts and I pass them on with gratitude and love. The couples go on to begin or merge loving families and live happily ever after with the highest marital success rate in the US (96%).

I discover the truths and relay them with compassion to the right two people, without sugar-coating. As you come to trust me with the full picture – the good and the bad, we laugh and make agreements on what fits and what doesn’t. It can be easy dating out on your own to brush aside things that later would have served you well to notice. I notice. I protect. You love with open eyes.

The right people for a lasting, Godly relationship are those who know they are ready for a relationship and to be and give their best selves to each other. If you feel this is you, then this article is for you - the extraordinary strong Christian Woman. If you’re not ready, it’s okay. When you are ready for your prince, come back. You’ll know when you are. Equal readiness and matching Christian values are a strong foundation

  1. D. Please share this with single Christian friends you care about who would appreciate this wisdom.  


Why haven’t our wonderful Christian sisters found their Boaz, David or Joseph yet? 


1. Young Christian ladies need to be more approachable, be in the right spot at the right time – often more than once and to be “present” without being in a rush!

Imagine if Boaz saw you from afar as he was tending to his fields (and he was interested in you) but never had the chance to ask you out because you looked preoccupied.

You had headphones on and were talking animatedly while looking down at your iphone on the way to and from the parking lot!

No. The right guy is NOT going to chase after that. He has his act together and knows who he is. He doesn’t “need” a woman and doesn’t want to appear like he’s on a “chase” after a girl like - perhaps non-Christian-acting men are - on Friday nights at the nightclubs.

Boaz isn’t on a “hunt.” He knows who he is in Christ and isn’t a wild buck looking for a doe, like men with a short-term mission unfortunately are.

Analyze your day. How many opportunities do you give a man the chance to even talk to you or approach you? Where you are looking up and making eye contact with others and maybe even smiling. Does anyone you’d be interested in smile back at you?

Hint: it’s probably way less than you realize because you may not have been focusing your interest on social connection. In the old days, people smiled and got to know one another without telephones in their hands everywhere they went.

Step #1: Slow down and actually become “approachable” to the right man in the right setting.

Step #2: Next time you’re in church or in a singles group, sit down and say hello to a single guy who looks like he’s alone or the “new guy.”

It’s not “flirting.” It’s being friendly and welcoming. It’s giving the opportunity for a conversation to occur that probably wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t make yourself open and make an effort. This is your life! If you want a relationship with a Christian man, this is high targeting. Plus, you may want to visit multiple churches to feel out the vibe, the leadership, the mission, the people and perhaps meet the man of your dreams.

Don’t have the “fear of man.” The right guy will know that you’re not actually flirting and that you are just a kind Christian girl that happened to sit next to him. Who could know any more from just sitting down?

Take a look around before and after services or anything you are up to. Stop over-analyzing if they could be the one. Enjoy the possibility. If you see a guy you might be interested in, go chat with him!


2. Are you firstly focusing on “looks” and meeting bad boys missing values integral for a good husband?

Sometimes, the right man might look super “normal” but is secretly a king dressed in paupers clothing, and he's testing you. (The matchmaker didn’t write this section.)

Jesus wasn't in royal robes. He dressed normal. But He was the ultimate King.

The right man doesn't need to be Brad Pitt (although he could be).

As long as he's lean and in shape, and he cares about taking care of his temple (body), then he's fine (everyone needs to love themself before they can love others).

Does it really matter if his hair is black, brown or blond?

Imagine if Boaz asked you on a date. Would you give him a chance to talk to you or be thinking about his hair style? Or would you dismiss him before you even gave him a chance to show his true amazing character?

Step #3: Look with your heart and your eyes and love may happily surprise you in how it looks.


3. Would you fully submit to your man and allow him to lead?

Are you willing to trust Boaz or King David, or do you prefer to be rebellious and “independent?”

What if your man wants to move to another state? Would you be willing to follow him and trust him?

You might need to be willing to leave your current environment to be one with your man. This is old-fashioned, but a man leading and providing for his family does still exist today. Believe in and honor him and trust that he will lead and love you like Christ loves the church.

The right man will love you and respect you and not be domineering or aggressive.

Thus, you don't need to worry about the future. This will feel liberating for the right woman.


4. Are you worthy to be queen (the Proverbs 31 woman)?

Being a queen is different than being a normal girl. The responsibility is higher. The impact is greater. People look up to you as you live a truly Godly life and respect your King.

You have to be the Proverbs 31 woman.

The Proverbs 31 woman:

  • Is not outward adorning (wearing mini-skirts and 20 pieces of jewelry to attract male attention)
  • Is high in faith
  • Takes care of her temple (working out, eating healthy, etc)
  • Seeks the Lord with all her heart
  • Is secure and knows her worth and not insecure and “trying too hard”
  • Has a servant heart and a gentle, strong spirit
  • Has true God-love
  • Respects her man
  • Has motherly qualities: nurturing, loving, kind, patient
  • Possesses queen qualities: intelligent, wise, hard-working, disciplined

Single Christian men reading this passage will be nodding in silent agreement because they are all looking for these qualities in a woman.

Are you a Proverbs 31 woman?

Could you be the Queen who’s worthy to be married to King David?

If he's gone in battle for two weeks, when he comes home, will you be ready to greet him with a kiss and have the estate managed?

If you are financially irresponsible and an impulsive spender, spending exorbitant percentages of his income on hair, shoes, bags and you want the man to know how to make and keep money so you can shop, you’re not suitable for a mutually supportive relationship.

The Proverbs 31 woman is naturally beautiful. Without placing judgment, she may be the antithesis of what some might label the high maintenance “Scottsdale girl.” Her Instagram photos capture the real her rather than filter mastery. Her hair is her own hair. She doesn’t wear clothes that falsely or explicitly advertise her woman-ness. If she wears makeup, it’s soft and you can see who she really is.

In fact, being overly outwardly adorning or “trying too hard” is a huge TURNOFF for a real Christian man like Boaz, Joseph or King David - he’ll see right through that in three seconds. That’s why online dating is not a viable option.

Many Christian ladies say they have faith, but they don’t. They say that God is their source, but they don’t honor Him as source.


5. Do you know your worth? Do you have any idols or false beliefs in the way that you’re holding on to?

Some girls idolize their job, their friends or something else that gets in the way of them being open to dating the right man. This just means she’s not yet ready for the love of her lifetime. And that’s okay.

You have to be fully open and teachable in order for that "connection" to happen. The best relationship is where we both continually learn how to serve each other. The desire to learn grows greater along with the love that is shared.

Perhaps a negative block from your past is holding you back from opening your heart to the right guy. Releasing the past so you can begin something spectacular together is essential.

Like you, good Christian men know their worth and don’t want to settle either.

Yes ladies…a Godly man understands his worth, too.

They are realizing how powerful of an impact a wife has on the outcome of their lives and ministry, and they are spending more time trying to see what is beneath the surface in their relationships. And they are especially selective as to who they get into a relationship with.

A Godly man knows that love of the right woman can make or break everything in his life. He knows that marriage is the most important decision he will ever make (besides the decision to follow Christ) even by the age of 25. Actually, sooner!

They realize that a woman’s desires can accelerate him towards purpose or derail him.

Who a man marries is the most important decision in his life, because the two become one flesh, both physically and spiritually.

They are praying more and they are realizing that while you still remain a prize, they too are precious in God’s eyes and want to do right by Him.

Yes, they are praying for an Esther and a Ruth, but they are also praying against Delilah.


6. Do you fully understand God's view on relationships and marriage?

Watch this Christian video on marriage to find out. It will blow your mind!


7. Are you passionate?

A king is going to want a passionate queen who is full of love, joy and God’s presence.

Are you intelligent?

You’ll easily appreciate the Godly wisdom of King David and Solomon.

King Solomon was a genius and understood a great many things. He had wisdom beyond his years. Would you appreciate vast intelligence and skill and talent?

You shouldn't just think, “that's cool” when you’re in the presence of genius. You should be think “Wow! That's amazing!” This can be expressed by a humble, confident man without arrogance or cockiness.


8. BONUS! Are you hanging out in the right areas where a Godly man is looking?

Perhaps you're simply looking or hanging out in the wrong places.

Attend different Church services and Church singles groups for your age bracket, in this case, for singles in their 20’s. Church singles groups can be great. Check out Bible studies and Church “life groups” and community volunteer opportunities. If a Christian king is looking for a Christian queen, he's going to look in singles groups at least a time or two, if not more.

Befriend the Pastors and group leaders. Let them know of your desire to find a good Christian man.

Go where you think a Godly man would be looking for a woman.


The Big Question...


Do You Consider Yourself a Ruth, Esther or Mary?


If you do, I have a Godly man like Boaz, Joseph, and David, who lives in Scottsdale and he’s looking for his Ruth, Esther, or Mary. (He’s written the bulk of this article).


If you think you’re worthy, all you have to do is contact me (Roseann Higgins) and tell me about yourself. Attach recent photos in your email and use the subject line "Ruth Seeks Her Boaz":



This article is going viral and I’m getting 100s of girls reading this article per day in the Scottsdale/Phoenix valley, so I’m going to have to take it offline this week because I’m getting too many calls. I can only talk to the next 7 girls who take action and contact me today.

If it’s a fantastic fit for both of you, I’ll introduce you two -- and there’s no cost to you!
This man is truly exceptional. How he found time to write this article while running a company, pursuing athletic competitions and performing in a band shows the commitment he puts into everything in his life. When he is serious about anything, nothing will stop him from being successful. He’s going to be the most extraordinary husband and father and grandfather! Oh, and he’s tall and handsome, supremely fit and has a great smile.

There’s seriously no cost to you.

I’m the only romance headhunter™ in the United States and have been seeking one-in-a-millions since 1994…a year shy of this client’s lifetime! All you have to do is chat with me to see if you qualify and he’s the guy for you. You get to see his photos, too. If you both agree it’s an “absolute yes!” I’ll make the introduction.

What would that be worth to you to marry the ultimate Godly man like King David?

It’s priceless, but I’m not charging you a priceless amount. I’m charging $0.

Don’t feel awkward or shy about contacting me. This might be the first guy you go out with that has the potential for an incredible relationship and it’s totally fine! In fact, that’s almost preferred!

So, if you actually think you’re the “Ruth for Boaz,” then click here and contact me now.

There’s a reason you’re reading this article and made it all the way to the end. It’s not by chance.

I made the article long on purpose, so only the serious girls would make it this far.

Take action now. Don’t regret not taking a chance on a really great guy who is the real deal and not ever knowing if he was your man. Click here and contact me now.



This article is going viral and I’m getting 100s of girls reading this article per day in the Scottsdale/Phoenix valley, so I’m going to have to take it offline this week because I’m getting too many calls. I can only talk to the next 7 girls who take action and contact me today.

P.S. A note from Roseann Higgins (a spiritual and Christian matchmaker)...

I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic grade school. I now enjoy both Catholic and Christian services. I study Soul Centered Living and am earning a Certification in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica. I know I’m a vessel with the purpose “to love and be loved and to pass it on.” With every introduction, I’m utilizing God’s gift to see the potential for lasting love in the right two people. Seventy-four times I’ve gotten it right and introduced two people who fell in love with each other on their very first introduction. Matchmaking the right two people is my “God gift.” As an online Ordained Minister, I can do weddings for my dear friends and couples I introduce. If they are members of a church, I want the most powerful representative of God in their church to perform the wedding because I want my couples to receive the strongest seal and have the highest probability to live happily ever after and have families full of love and a strong foundation. In the last two weeks, I’ve heard an author and someone else say their religion is “Love.” I like that. Each of us is love. And if I can listen to you and help you in your journey to love, then that would be special and God given.





Roseann Higgins

Published by
Roseann Higgins