Thank You for Changing My Life

You have introduced me to a woman who is the culmination of many of the features and characteristics I’ve always been attracted to. It’s as if someone has been keeping track throughout my life of everything I’ve been attracted to and put them...

Her Life Changed Forever

If someone were thinking of hiring SPIES (professional matchmaking service), I would tell them it is absolutely, based on your results, totally worth it! –This client fell in love and married his third introduction. I spotted her across the room at a...

Roseann is a Highly Professional Person

Roseann is a highly professional person, who seems to be involved in virtually any community program of value. She’s a professional doing a unique personalized job. She’s always out there, working to improve her business and meet clients. – Former long time...

We’re Telling Everyone

At a wedding, a lady asked if I introduced the couple.  Being aware of the need for discretion in these matters, I excused myself and sought out the bride. “Did I?” I whispered. Yes. We’re telling everyone,” she smiled. The groom lost his...